The basic premise on which organic farming lays is that if the soil is healthy and rich in nutrients and organic matter, you can sustain crop growth without employing synthetic chemicals.
These farmers use a variety of techniques to improve soil quality. They replace artificial fertilizers with compost and manure.
Furthermore, they use natural pest control methods in place of synthetic chemicals that are dangerous to the environment.

1. Prevent Chemical’s Entry into the Soil
With conventional farming practices in the UAE, an excess of harmful substances in the land is a grave concern.
Some may argue that employing pesticides improves crop yield, but their use may have certain negative aspects like the development of disease resistant plants, soil erosion and soil and water contamination that persists for years.
Organic vegetables Dubai are farmed without the use of synthetic chemicals thus, preventing their entry into the soil in particular and the environment in general.
2. Prevents Topsoil Erosion
A healthy top layer of the land is essential to support farming. A reliable body of research revealed the fact that soil which is organically cultivated has a significantly higher organic content and is less prone to erosion.
Therefore, farmers are increasingly interested in adopting organic farming practices as it helps them to grow more nutritious crops without compromising soil’s quality for future.
3. Promotes Healthy Soil
Let us explain this with a simple illustration. Consider your immune system: if you frequently catch infections and immediately go for antibiotics to seek relief; you are at risk of damaging your natural response mechanism.
Likewise, continuous use of synthetic pesticides on soil damages its ability to resist naturally. Consequently, you are leaving your earth sick as like that of your immune system.
4. Slows Down Global Warming
The world is getting hotter day by day. Excessive greenhouse gases in the atmosphere take the blame for this. According to the research, Rodale Institute Farming Systems Trial, Organic farming techniques are substantial in reducing the number of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere thus help to mitigate climate change.
Organic practices reduce the use of fossil fuel and facilitate carbon storage in the soil. This sequestered carbon in the ground is helpful to improve its fertility. It also promotes the water carrying capacity of the field.
As organic vegetables Dubai are grown using natural pest control and weed control methods. Therefore, they have a low carbon footprint compared to the traditionally grown crops.
5. It Strengthens Biodiversity
Intensive modern agricultural practices threaten biodiversity. As pesticides are sprayed on crops without any discrimination, rare plants are becoming extinct.
Organic farming, on the other hand, employs natural pest and weed control methods to get rid of undesirable insects and plants respectively.
Research studies further strengthened this stance by pointing out that biodiversity is generally higher in organic farms compared to conventional farms.
Organic farming is the way of growing crops without the use of artificial pesticides and fertilizers.
With the raised environment consciousness in UAE, more farmers are moving towards sustainable agricultural practices.
Organic vegetables Dubai are not only beneficial for your health but are also grown in an environment friendly manner. Thus, promote environmental sustainability besides improving your physiological well-being.