The practice of farming and agriculture has been a part of human civilization from as far back as 9,500 B.C. The methods and techniques utilized to achieve that have evolved over the centuries, the same way humans have as well. With the changing demands of the years passing by, and the natural evolution of plant species, the techniques kept changing as well.
The decade we are in right now, the schools of thoughts have shrunk down to two: Organic Vs Conventional. In most straightforward words, Organic farming refers to the production of food supplies without the addition or manipulation of any kind of chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, and preservatives. In conventional farming, however, synthetic chemicals are interacted with crops to stimulate the growth of cultivation.
Organic farming is gaining a lot of popularity around the globe these days, with the sales of organic products surpassing a whopping 30$ millions. Even in the Middle East, more and more people are searching for organic vegetables in Dubai and organic fruits in Abu Dhabi. This signifies a magnificent shift from the traditional means of agriculture.
To further understand this shift, here’s a complete guide to simplify the distinctions between the two schools of thoughts.

Conventional Farming
Conventional farming also known as industrial agriculture refers to the traditional means of farming that have been in practice for however long. Considering the high amounts of poverty prevailing in the masses and the influx of population, conventional farming means allow the industry to grow more in less time.
Conventional agriculture is energy intensive and typically high resource as it entails the addition and induction of preservatives, genetically modified organisms, synthetic chemical fertilizers, and a lot more. But this form of agriculture is highly productive as well.
Some of the distinctive features of conventional farming are:
Introduction of fertilizers, pesticides, genetically modified organisms, and other materials to control pests and weeds.
Usage of unnatural methods of farming and intensive tillage
Advantaging from heavy irrigation and concentrated monoculture production
Lesser manual labor required
A much larger quantity of food produced on lesser land
The inclusion of possibly toxic pesticides
The techniques used in conventional farming vary from location to location, and farm to farm. However, few things all techniques have in common are:
large-scale farms,
rapid technological innovation,
dependency on agribusiness,
large capital investments in equipment and technology,
uniform high-yield hybrid crops,
extensive use of pesticides, fertilizers, and herbicides
Organic Farming
What was once considered an expensive waste of time is now turning into a globalizing trend, with more and more people opting for an organic way of life every day! The demand for healthy food supplies and wellness products has grown to a spectacular $1.25 billion in the UAE. Similarly, the demand for supplies for gluten-free products and wholly organic food in Dubai has also crossed double digits.
The method of organic farming was initially brought into use to reduce the pollution caused by industrial agriculture and to preserve water and soil. Organic farming methods focus on cultivating crops without the addition of any artificial chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, or GMO’s.
Organic farmers prefer to use organic wastes and compost in place of artificial fertilizers, hence increasing the nutrient value of the crops produced. Instead of using pesticides, organic farming utilizes birds and other insects to consume the harm-causing organisms. In place of herbicides, organic methods incorporate rotation of crops to prevent the growth of weed or hand picking it.
The key features of organic farming are:
Minimized use of chemicals
Promotion of biodiversity
Improved soil health due to organic practices
All natural procedures
Prevention from polluted hormones
More nutrient crops
The methods of organic farming prevent a number of hazards including:
Land exhaustion
Nitrate run-off
Soil erosion and compaction
Cruelty to animals
Threat to indigenous seeds and animal breeds and species
Habitat destruction
Contaminated food
While both the conventional and organic farming methods have their own set of advantages and disadvantages, organic food is increasing more in demand every day. People are preferring to avoid the risk of not knowing the harm that conventionally cultivated food can have on human bodies.
Organic vegetables and fruits in Dubai are being housed and produced at a larger scale to meet the public demand.