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Thinking To Start Organic Farming? Beginner’s Guide

Nature stopped being natural many years ago. It is owing to the excessive use of chemicals and artificial substances in the production of everything consumed by human beings.

On a lighter note, it’s perhaps the reason that human beings also feel shy being natural.

However, organic farming is natural and environmentally friendly. It is not only useful for local communities but also for the economy. It is more useful than mammoth farming procedures and practices used in corporate farming.


Emerging Trends of Buying Organic Food

The emphasis of organic farming is to use physical, biological and mechanical controls to harvest edibles instead of using chemicals to deal with plant diseases and insects.

The trend of organic food is getting popular around the world. UAE is not an exception because the demand for organic food in Dubai has increased in the recent years.

The chief objective is the provision of healthy-quality products directly from the farm to the supermarkets in Dubai. However, many companies offer the services of home delivery to feed the organic food craving of people.

Interested in Farming Organic Produce? Helping Tips

Organic farming is no doubt, an interesting choice for the career. It offers ultimate opportunities for success in agriculture. However, people take it very lightly but there are many factors to consider first before jumping into the soil.

Define Objective And Goals Of Your Organic Farm

First of all, it is important to understand what the organic farming is objected to. Organic farmers can be differentiated in terms of certified and uncertified farmers.

Therefore, individuals are needed to conduct detailed research in order to figure out goals and objectives. Further, goals should be divided into short term and long term.

In order to determine organic farming goals, just ask these few questions to yourself:

  • What are organic values and how do you explain these?

  • What is your viewpoint regarding farming and define your personal goals?

  • How will you fulfill the need for organic products?

  • Are you interested in organic farming owing to environmental factors?

  • If yes, what are the environmental concerns identified by you?

Ready To Have An Organic Business

After defining the goals and objectives of your business, it is important to realize that you are actually ready to precede the business.

Sometimes, people only turn towards organic farming because they want to feed their family with healthy food. Besides, this they think that they will be able to make handsome money through this activity.

Therefore, it is important to figure out that organic farming is a realistic business that requires the equally hard work as any other business.

If the individual is only concerned with doing organic agriculture as a hobby, it is not necessary to pay much attention towards business risks and threats. So, ask yourself first:

  • Is organic farming a hobby or a business?

Clarify Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats and Opportunities

Like every business, organic agriculture has a few strengths and weaknesses are associated with it. Further, it is important to understand potential threats and risks rather than focusing on business opportunities only.

Therefore, individuals should understand their skills and expertise related to agriculture. Further, it is important to make a list of skills to get improved results.

Knowledge of organic foods Dubai, seasons of different produces, and ingredients require to get higher yields naturally plays a significant role in making a business successful.

Generally, the following skills and personal characteristics are desired among individuals:

  • A healthy mind with a body

  • Critical analysis skills

  • Love to work under pressure

  • Business skills and management abilities

  • Organizational savvy

  • Motivation for learning

  • Organic veracity


Traditional agricultural methods are used by organic farmers to harvest yields. The objective is to get high produce of natural and healthy products without using artificial fertilizers and chemical bases.

If you are thinking to enter into the business of organic farming, you might be going towards a destiny of prosperity. However, the path is not as easy as in other big businesses.

Do proper homework to learn the nitty-gritty of making your plan of organic farming successful. Consider the above tips as a guideline to harvest organic food in Dubai.

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