The debate about the benefits of organic vs non-organic food is an ongoing one. But up till now, most of the nutrient experts, doctors and people have admitted that organic food is better. They say so because they think that the nutritious level of the organic food is way more as compared to the non-organic. Because they are cultivated with completely natural means, without the use of any pesticides and chemical fertilizers etc. Whereas, those who are favoring the side of non-organic considers it beneficial and good because of its low prices. They think that there is no difference in both of them, so why spend too much on the organic one.

The point of view of the both the parties has a strong conflict, but as far as the nutritional experts are concerned they endorse the organic side. Therefore, such food items from the organic farm Dubai are called to be more effective for the better health of human being.
Organic Food:
In these foods, during the cultivation, no pesticide is used. Apart from that they are cultivated by using complete natural fertilizers obtained from the animal waste. The food product obtained by such means is healthy for health, it has a better taste and that can last for a longer period of time.

The poultry products are also said to be natural if the meat, fish, eggs, milk, butter and chicken is obtained without the use of any insulin and other breeding injections. Meat and fish more often can be natural, but we can’t say anything with certainty about the chicken, milk, butter and eggs.
The price of the organic food is always high as compared to the non-organic. That’s because, the production process is slow and limited.
Non-Organic Food:
They are cultivated with non-natural methods. The pesticides and other chemical fertilizers are used more often which results in the better and rapid production.

In poultry more often the injection and insulin are used, so that animals can grow and reproduce quickly. This practice increases their population and growth rapidly, but the nutritional value is compromised a great deal.
The cost of these food items is low as compared to the organic one. That’s because, they are produced quickly and the size of the food items is also big.
The difference between the organic and non-organic food certainly put our emphasis to buy natural and organic food at organic farm Dubai. For a better health and to fulfill our nutritional needs in a better way, we must prefer them.