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What Are The Effects Of Organic And Non-Organic Farming?

From thousands of years humans have been using the method of organic ways to cultivate different products. It has been the best and beneficial way of cultivation because there are no side effects and harms of it. But with the passage of time, the ways of cultivation has evolved a bit gradually. But in the 20th century we have started to find some ways that have been beneficial for the time being but in the long term perspective they affect us negatively.

Organic Farm Dubai

There are many benefits and no harms in organic farming, that’s why you should get to know the best practices and techniques for it from Organic Farm Dubai. With the passage of time, you would see some really beneficial effects of this technique, even it would be benefiting you in the long run. In this article we will discuss some of the effects that are caused by organic and no organic ways of cultivation.

Organic Farming:

We all know that it’s the old way of cultivation, which our ancestors have been following for thousands of years. In this type of cultivation, no harmful pest killers or anything else is being used. So there are many benefits and no harms. There are some effects of this way of cultivation, which we will discuss below:

  • The quality of the product is really good and has no side effects, as it's being cultivated with organic ways.

  • The taste of the food is really good and is maintained for a long period of time.

  • There are no harm full effects of chemical or anything else, as they are not used in this type of production.

  • By cultivation through organic way the structure of the soil improves because there are no chemicals, etc, used during the whole process.

  • Soil becomes fertile. Hence, we get better and better quality year by year.

Non Organic Farming:

  • In this type of cultivation different artificial fertilizers are used to increase the productivity. For a time perspective, it can be beneficial, but on long term basis it destroys the soil.

  • The pests are killed with the different chemical sprays, which harms the soil as well as the surface.

  • This process is against nature, that’s why the product achieved is not as tasty as the one achieved by organic means.

  • This method also alters the PH of a soil and leads to erosion.

These are some of the effects of organic as well as no organic farming. You need to know these things, then certainly you would opt to cultivate through organic means. In regards to the organic method, the Organic Farm Dubai can help you a great deal in learning, how to get the most benefits in cultivation through this means.

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